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Testing the Validity of the Health Mavenness Self-Report Measure with Self-Other Correlations
Communication Reports Pub Date : 2022-01-09 , DOI: 10.1080/08934215.2021.2021542
Christopher J. Carpenter , Darmika Hutabarat , Michael R. Kotowski

The three superdiffuser traits (health maven, connector, persuader) are identified using a self-report measure. The construct validity of the health maven measure requires that the health maven’s social network perceive the health maven to be a health maven. To test this validity hypothesis, a sample of 98 pairs of people who knew each other was drawn such that one member completed the self-reported superdiffuser measures and the other completed a modified version targeted at the other person. Closeness was also measured as a potential moderator. The self-other correlation for the health maven measure was positive, medium in size, and unmoderated. The self-other correlation for the connector scale was moderated by closeness such that it was stronger among closer pairs.



三个超级扩散者特征(健康专家、连接者、说服者)是使用自我报告测量确定的。健康专家测量的结构效度要求健康专家的社交网络将健康专家视为健康专家。为了检验这一有效性假设,抽取了 98 对相互认识的人的样本,其中一个成员完成了自我报告的超级扩散器测量,另一个完成了针对另一个人的修改版本。亲密度也被测量为潜在的调节者。健康专家测量的自我其他相关性是积极的、中等大小且未调节的。连接器量表的自我其他相关性受到接近程度的调节,因此在更接近的配对中它更强。
