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Reflections on Ethics and Licensure in OBM
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management ( IF 1.634 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-30 , DOI: 10.1080/01608061.2022.2032532
Terry McSween 1


Ethics and certification are topics that are important for the field of OBM. Weatherly has written an important paper moving the discussion of ethical standards forward. This paper accepts Weatherly’s position that the BCBA standards provide a set of ethical codes that are relevant to OBM, but rejects the notion that licensure is appropriate to improve the ethical behavior of OBM practitioners. The author believes that a better approach is to expand the demand for OBM services with resulting improvement in the job opportunities for those who achieve accreditation.


对 OBM 中的伦理和执照的思考


道德和认证是 OBM 领域的重要主题。Weatherly 撰写了一篇重要的论文,推动了对道德标准的讨论。本文接受 Weatherly 的立场,即 BCBA 标准提供了一组与 OBM 相关的道德规范,但拒绝许可适合改善 OBM 从业者的道德行为的观点。作者认为更好的方法是扩大对 OBM 服务的需求,从而增加获得认证的人的就业机会。
