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The lasting influence of Robert E. Lucas on Chicago economics
Journal of Economic Methodology ( IF 1.409 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-31 , DOI: 10.1080/1350178x.2022.2032272
Harald Uhlig 1, 2, 3


This paper is an overview from a personal perspective on the various ways Lucas has shaped today’s economics in general and in terms of ‘Chicago economics’ in particular. In honor of the 50th anniversary of its publication, much focus is given to his 1972 neutrality paper and its impact. I discuss how the paper was a trigger of the subsequent emergence of rational expectations macroeconomics. Further, I touch upon his fundamental contributions to growth theory, asset pricing and the characteristic use of the Bellman equations. After covering these topics, the paper concludes with a portrayal of the Money and Banking Workshop to describe the environment that Lucas established at the Chicago department, and to illustrate his enduring influence on the culture of teaching and discussing macroeconomics at the University of Chicago.


Robert E. Lucas 对芝加哥经济的持久影响


本文从个人角度概述了卢卡斯总体上塑造当今经济学的各种方式,特别是在“芝加哥经济学”方面。为纪念其出版 50 周年,他在 1972 年发表的中立论文及其影响受到了极大的关注。我讨论了这篇论文如何触发了随后出现的理性预期宏观经济学。此外,我还谈到了他对增长理论、资产定价和贝尔曼方程的特征应用的基本贡献。在涵盖了这些主题之后,本文以对货币与银行研讨会的描述作为结束,以描述卢卡斯在芝加哥系建立的环境,并说明他对芝加哥大学宏观经济学教学和讨论文化的持久影响。
