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Rethinking the U.S. Post-Secondary Education Model: The Relationship between Earning Career and Technical Industry Credentials and the Virginia Economy
Journal of Education Finance Pub Date : 2022-02-02
Anjanette Hendricks, Steve Myran, William A. Owings, Petros Katsioloudis, Leslie S. Kaplan


Nationally, the labor market is seeking workers to fill the increasing number of high salary job vacancies, but those qualified to fill them are in limited supply. The skills and third-party industry credentials earned in secondary Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs seem a perfect fit for the student, employer, and economy. However, widely held misperceptions of CTE and unfamiliarity with industry credentials perpetuate this skills crisis while undermining high school students' economic potential. Using a non-experimental, quantitative study employing ex post facto data, a Likert survey, and a closed-ended question survey, this study shows CTE industry credentials' economic value in dollar terms for students and for a state's treasury, in this case Virginia's, in potential income tax revenue for the next five years.




在全国范围内,劳动力市场正在寻找工人来填补越来越多的高薪职位空缺,但能够填补这些职位空缺的人却是有限的。在中等职业和技术教育 (CTE) 计划中获得的技能和第三方行业证书似乎非常适合学生、雇主和经济体。然而,对 CTE 的广泛误解和对行业证书的不熟悉使这种技能危机持续存在,同时削弱了高中生的经济潜力。使用事后的非实验性定量研究数据、李克特调查和封闭式问题调查,这项研究显示了 CTE 行业证书在未来五年的潜在所得税收入中对学生和州国库(在本例中为弗吉尼亚州国库)的经济价值(以美元计)。
