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Judging a Declaration: Condorcet, Rights and the General Will in 1789
French History ( IF 0.114 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-05 , DOI: 10.1093/fh/crab058
Kathleen McCrudden Illert

This article argues that a study of unpublished notes for a treatise on the Déclaration des droits, written by the marquis de Condorcet in 1789, offers an insight into a problem that has defined scholarship on the philosophe for decades: the tension between the competing ‘democratic’ and ‘elitist’ discourses in Condorcet’s political thought. In this manuscript we see a novel integration of the discourse of ‘general’ or ‘common’ will into Condorcet’s rights-thinking. Due to his fear that the debates in the National Assembly over the proposed Declaration of Rights during the summer of 1789 were undermining the ‘self-evident’ nature of Natural Rights and more specific rights that derived from them, the article suggests that Condorcet was here experimenting with the legitimating languages of ‘volonté générale’ and ‘sens commun’. Although these notes remained unpublished, hints of Condorcet’s shift in thinking can nevertheless be seen in his published work of the same period.


判断宣言:1789 年孔多塞、权利和公意

本文认为,对孔多塞侯爵于 1789 年撰写的关于《权利宣言》的一篇论文的未发表注释的研究,提供了对几十年来定义哲学家学术研究的一个问题的洞察:相互竞争的“民主’和孔多塞政治思想中的‘精英’话语。在这份手稿中,我们看到了“一般”或“共同”意志话语与孔多塞的权利思想的新颖整合。由于他担心国民议会在 1789 年夏天就提议的《权利宣言》进行的辩论会破坏自然权利的“不言而喻”的性质以及由此产生的更具体的权利,文章暗示孔多塞在这里尝试使用“volonté générale”和“sens commun”的合法语言。