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SCRIPTING PENTECOST: A STUDY OF PENTECOSTALS, WORSHIP, AND LITURGY. Edited by Mark J. Cartledge and A. J. Swoboda. Abingdon: Routledge, 2017. Pp. xi + 251. Hardcover, $140.00.
Religious Studies Review Pub Date : 2022-01-19 , DOI: 10.1111/rsr.15488

This unique and extraordinary collection of essays helps correct the misunderstanding that any Christian worship is altogether non-liturgical, even pentecostal worship. Taken together, the contributions establish the existence of implicit liturgical forms in various instantiations of global pentecostalism, past and present—forms like preaching, singing, sacraments, and prayer. One particular strength of the book is its use of historical, empirical, and constructive-theological analyses. The result is both claims about pentecostal worship that are grounded in actual grassroots practice and imaginations about how pentecostal worship can realize its full potential. A diverse group of authors collaborate to provide insights into topics from classical pentecostalism in North America to ritual practices in Kenya to pentecostal features of the Welsh Revival to proposals about a theology of the altar in pentecostalism. The rare blend of multiple theological sub-disciplines in this collection encourages systematic theologians to rely more heavily on case studies and encourage practical theologians not to stop at statistics and description alone. The same blend renders the book valuable to a wide range of students and specialists.

Christopher A. Stephenson

Lee University


编写五旬节:对五旬节、崇拜和礼仪的研究。由 Mark J. Cartledge 和 AJ Swoboda 编辑。阿宾登:劳特利奇,2017 年。Pp。xi + 251。精装本,140.00 美元。



