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Using a Multi-Methods Approach to Investigate Disaster Preparedness of Community Libraries in the North West Province of South Africa
Restaurator ( IF 0.333 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-01 , DOI: 10.1515/res-2021-0014
Sabelo Chizwina 1 , Patrick Ngulube 2

Disasters can occur anywhere, and no organisation is immune to disasters. Community libraries in South Africa have experienced disasters over the past years, ranging from natural disasters to human-made disasters. This research aims to investigate the disaster preparedness of community libraries in the North West Province of South Africa. A multi-methods approach that involved questionnaires, interviews, and document analysis was used. The study results revealed that although community libraries have experienced disasters, they considered them as once-off events. Consequently, disaster management was not part of the collection management policy. However, disaster management should be a key component of collection development, and it should be part and parcel of a collection management policy.


