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Transdisciplinarity demands time
Time & Society ( IF 1.891 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-09 , DOI: 10.1177/0961463x211073566
Dawna I Ballard 1

The inaugural issue of Time & Society emerged at a historical interstice. A new millennium was on the horizon, the rate of technological obsolescence would soon grow exponentially, and the pace of global, digital communication would be upended as more and more people gained access to something novel called the World Wide Web. These developments tied to culture, technology, and communication were also central to changing norms around the production of work, community, and knowledge—three constitutive elements of a field of study. Therefore, in being invited to reflect on the state of time studies today—where it has been, what it has been missing, where the challenges lie, and where opportunities reside—I consider how societal changes that arose in this liminal space have shaped its journey. I hasten to point out that 30 years is still a beginning for most institutional journeys and that any field which can be measured in decades is still in its infancy.


