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Theory Evaluation and Formulation: A Reply to Ludic Theory through A.N.Whitehead´s Aesthetic Experience
Philosophy of Management Pub Date : 2022-02-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s40926-022-00194-4
Camilo Osejo-Bucheli 1

This article uses Whitehead's process ontology and epistemology to propose Aesthetic Experience as a theory that can be used in organizational studies. The article starts from the intersections of ludic theory and aesthetics, to formulate a theory of Aesthetic Experience that improves and promotes enjoyment, creativity, satisfaction, and productivity in the workspace. Located in a process ontology and epistemology, we propose a simple approach for theory evaluation, using thought experiments to identify issues in the formulations of extant theories, and formulate the theory of Aesthetic Experience using grounded methods, visual mapping, and process modeling. The broader purpose of the paper is to revive the study of Whiteheadian process philosophy within organizational studies.



