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Distinguishing Homogeneity From Vagueness
Journal of Semantics ( IF 1.000 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-19 , DOI: 10.1093/jos/ffab014
Diego Feinmann 1

The question of whether the gappiness associated with vague sentences is of the same kind as the gappiness associated with homogenous sentences has been raised but not settled. In this article, I set out to fill this gap. To begin with, I examine the arguments that have been given for and against assimilating homogeneity to the phenomenon of vagueness (and contend that none of these arguments, neither the positive nor the negative ones, are conclusive). Next, I present three linguistic tests in which homogeneous and vague sentences come apart very clearly, namely, the disagreement test (§ 3.1), the epistemic test (§ 3.2), and the ‘I’m not sure’ test (§ 3.3). On the basis of these results, I conclude that homogeneity is best understood as a phenomenon of its own and not as a manifestation of vagueness.



含糊句子的间隙性是否与同质句子的间隙性相同的问题已经提出但尚未解决。在本文中,我着手填补这一空白。首先,我研究了支持和反对将同质性同化为模糊现象的论点(并认为这些论点,无论是积极的还是消极的,都不是决定性的)。接下来,我提出了三个语言测试,其中同质和模糊的句子非常清楚地分开,即不一致测试(§ 3.1)、认知测试(§ 3.2)和“我不确定”测试(§ 3.3) . 基于这些结果,我得出结论,最好将同质性理解为一种现象,而不是模糊性的表现。