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Exponential Satisficing
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics ( IF 2.458 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-27 , DOI: 10.1257/mic.20180301
Christopher J. Tyson 1

We propose the exponential satisficing model of boundedly rational decision-making, a general-purpose tool designed for use in typical microeconomic applications. The model posits that the preferences perceived and acted upon by the agent are a stochastic coarsening of his or her true, welfare-significant preferences. The decision-maker’s perceptual capabilities are controlled by a preference resolution parameter, which smoothly varies the impact of cognitive constraints on choice. To demonstrate the implementation of the model, it is applied to duopolistic price competition with satisficing consumers and to normal-form games with satisficing players. (JEL D01, D80, D90)



我们提出了有限理性决策的指数满足模型,这是一种设计用于典型微观经济应用的通用工具。该模型假设代理人感知并采取行动的偏好是他或她真实的、福利重要的偏好的随机粗化。决策者的感知能力由偏好解决参数控制,该参数平滑地改变认知约束对选择的影响。为了演示模型的实施,它被应用于满足消费者的双头垄断价格竞争和满足玩家的正常形式的游戏。(JEL D01, D80, D90)