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Coordinating Public Good Provision by Mediated Communication
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics ( IF 2.458 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-27 , DOI: 10.1257/mic.20180272
Maija Halonen-Akatwijuka 1 , In-Uck Park 1

We examine a setup where two agents allocate a fixed budget between public goods in two areas. The agents may be biased to one area, which is their private information. Without communication, the funds are allocated inefficiently, resulting in gaps and duplication in public good provision. Direct communication between the agents is ineffective and cannot resolve the coordination failure even when the potential biases are negligible. Coordination can be improved by a mediator who filters the information communicated by the agents. Our results can throw light on how to improve coordination of humanitarian aid by an appropriately designed information management system. (JEL D82, D83, H41, H84)



我们研究了两个代理在两个领域的公共产品之间分配固定预算的设置。代理人可能偏向于一个领域,即他们的私人信息。没有沟通,资金分配效率低下,导致公共产品供应出现缺口和重复。代理之间的直接沟通是无效的,即使潜在的偏差可以忽略不计,也无法解决协调失败。可以通过过滤代理传达的信息的调解员来改善协调。我们的研究结果可以阐明如何通过适当设计的信息管理系统来改善人道主义援助的协调。(JEL D82、D83、H41、H84)