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Revealing Naïveté and Sophistication from Procrastination and Preproperation
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics ( IF 2.458 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-27 , DOI: 10.1257/mic.20170270
David J. Freeman 1

This paper proposes a novel way of distinguishing whether a person is naïve or sophisticated about her own dynamic inconsistency using only her task-completion behavior. It shows that adding an unused extra opportunity to complete a task can lead a naïve (but not a sophisticated) person to complete it later and can lead a sophisticated (but not a naïve) person to complete the task earlier. These results provide a framework for revealing preference and sophistication types from behavior in a general environment that includes that of O’Donoghue and Rabin (1999). (JEL D15, D91)



本文提出了一种新颖的方法,可以仅使用她的任务完成行为来区分一个人对自己的动态不一致性是天真的还是老练。它表明,增加一个未使用的额外机会来完成一项任务,可以让一个天真的(但不是老练的)人稍后完成它,并且可以让一个老练的人(但不是一个天真的)更早地完成任务。这些结果提供了一个框架,用于从包括 O'Donoghue 和 Rabin (1999) 在内的一般环境中的行为中揭示偏好和复杂类型。(JEL D15, D91)