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La “Doña” è Mobile: The Role of Women in Social Mobility in a Pre-Modern Economy
The Journal of Economic History ( IF 2.459 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-21 , DOI: 10.1017/s0022050722000018
José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez 1 , Salvador Gil-Guirado 2 , Chris Vickers 3

We use data from marriage records in Murcia, Spain, in the eighteenth century to study the role of women in social mobility in the pre-modern era. Our measure of social standing is identification as a don or doña, an honorific denoting high, though not necessarily noble, status. We show that this measure, which is acquired over the lifecycle, shows gendered transmission patterns. In particular, same-sex transmission is stronger than opposite-sex, for both sons and daughters. The relative transmission from fathers versus mothers varies over the lifecycle, and grandparents may affect the status of their grandchildren.


La “Doña”è 移动:女性在前现代经济社会流动中的作用

我们使用 18 世纪西班牙穆尔西亚的婚姻记录数据来研究女性在前现代社会流动中的作用。我们衡量社会地位的标准是作为dondoña的身份,一种表示崇高但不一定是高贵的地位的尊称。我们表明,在整个生命周期中获得的这种测量显示了性别传播模式。特别是,对于儿子和女儿来说,同性传播要强于异性传播。父亲与母亲之间的相对传播在整个生命周期中会有所不同,祖父母可能会影响其孙辈的地位。
