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Aquaculture and eelgrass Zostera marina interactions in temperate ecosystems
Aquaculture Environment Interactions ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-24 , DOI: 10.3354/aei00426
LM Howarth 1 , LM Lewis-McCrea 1 , LM Kellogg 2 , ET Apostolaki 3 , GK Reid 1

ABSTRACT: This paper reviews the impacts of shellfish and finfish aquaculture on eelgrass Zostera marina, the most widely distributed seagrass species in the northern hemisphere. Shellfish aquaculture can have positive, neutral, and negative effects on eelgrass. Positive interactions can be generated by the filtering activity of cultured bivalves, which may improve water quality and reduce epiphyte loads, and shellfish biodeposits may provide more nutrients to eelgrass and other vegetation. However, negative responses are more commonly reported and can be caused by shading and sedimentation. These negative effects tend to occur directly under and immediately surrounding shellfish farms and rapidly diminish with increasing distance. In contrast to shellfish aquaculture, only one field study has investigated the effects of finfish aquaculture on eelgrass in a temperate setting, and the results were inconclusive. However, many studies have investigated the effects of Mediterranean finfish farms on 2 other species of seagrass (Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa). These studies reported clear negative interactions, which have been linked to increased nutrient concentrations, sulphides, sedimentation, epiphyte loads, and grazing pressure. It is unknown if these studies are relevant for finfish aquaculture in temperate regions due to differences in environmental conditions, and because the studies focused on different species of seagrass. Thus, further study in a temperate setting is warranted. We conclude by highlighting key research gaps that could help regulators establish unambiguous operational and siting guidelines that minimize the potential for negative interactions between aquaculture and eelgrass.



摘要:本文回顾了贝类和有鳍鱼类养殖对鳗草Zostera marina的影响。,北半球分布最广的海草物种。贝类水产养殖可对鳗草产生积极、中性和消极影响。养殖双壳贝类的过滤活动可以产生积极的相互作用,这可以改善水质并减少附生植物的负荷,而贝类生物沉积物可以为鳗草和其他植被提供更多的营养。然而,负面反应更常见,可能是由阴影和沉淀引起的。这些负面影响往往直接发生在贝类养殖场的下方和周围,并随着距离的增加而迅速减弱。与贝类水产养殖相比,只有一项实地研究调查了温带鱼类养殖对鳗草的影响,但结果尚无定论。然而,Posidonia oceanicaCymodocea nodosa)。这些研究报告了明显的负相互作用,这与养分浓度、硫化物、沉降、附生植物负荷和放牧压力的增加有关。由于环境条件的差异以及这些研究集中在不同种类的海草上,这些研究是否与温带地区的有鳍鱼类养殖有关尚不清楚。因此,有必要在温带环境中进行进一步研究。最后,我们强调了关键的研究空白,这些空白可以帮助监管机构建立明确的操作和选址指南,最大限度地减少水产养殖和鳗草之间负面相互作用的可能性。