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Local overshoot and wind effects on wave overtopping at vertical coastal structures
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Maritime Engineering ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-29 , DOI: 10.1680/jmaen.2020.33
Swapnadip De Chowdhury 1 , Jian G. Zhou 1 , Anatoliy Khait 1 , Derek Causon 1 , Ling Qian 1 , Clive Mingham 1 , Tim Pullen 2

Wind effects on wave overtopping over a fully impermeable vertical sea wall were studied numerically using the open-source computational fluid dynamics library OpenFoam. A pressure gradient correction term was incorporated in the momentum equations. In recent studies, it was found that, in the absence of wind, an increase in wave steepness results in a reduction of wave overtopping. This is related to the instability of the standing wave formed at the front of a vertical structure. Such instability was noticed in the range of steepness 0.285–0.443 from previous physical experiments for a regular wave interacting with a vertical structure. The existence of this regime was confirmed in the current study. It was also found that the stability of the standing wave determines the shape and volume of the overshooting jet, which has a strong effect on wave overtopping. When the wind is relatively weak (e.g. a wind speed of 10 m/s) it is unable to alter the overshooting jet very much, meaning a weak wind effect on wave overtopping. When the wind is strong (e.g. a wind speed of 30 m/s) it completely deforms the overshooting jet resulting in overtopping discharge almost three times that without wind.



使用开源计算流体动力学库 OpenFoam 对风对波浪越过完全不透水的垂直海堤的影响进行了数值研究。动量方程中加入了压力梯度校正项。在最近的研究中,人们发现,在没有风的情况下,波陡度的增加会导致波浪越顶的减少。这与垂直结构前端形成的驻波的不稳定性有关。这种不稳定性在之前的物理实验中发现,陡度范围为 0.285–0.443,用于与垂直结构相互作用的规则波。目前的研究证实了这种制度的存在。还发现驻波的稳定性决定了过冲射流的形状和体积,这对波浪越顶有很强的影响。当风力相对较弱时(例如10 m/s 的风速),它不能使越冲射流改变太多,这意味着微弱的风对波浪越顶的影响。强风时(如风速30m/s)会使越射射流完全变形,导致越射流量几乎是无风时的三倍。