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Area-based approaches and urban recovery in the Pacific: lessons from Fiji, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu
Environment and Urbanization ( IF 4.066 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-10 , DOI: 10.1177/09562478211072668
Meg Keen 1 , David Sanderson 1 , Kira Osborne 1 , Roshika Deo 1 , Janet Faith 1 , Anouk Ride 1

Flooding events are set to worsen in rapidly urbanising Pacific Islands.(1) Most Pacific Island cities and towns are in low-lying areas vulnerable to more severe tropical cyclones and rising sea levels. Approaches to disaster response and recovery need to improve. This article uses four principles drawn from area-based approaches (ABAs) – people-centred responses, adaptive processes, multi-sector collaboration and reflective practice – to review urban disaster recovery efforts in Fiji, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. Information was gathered through key informant interviews and a literature review. The research found positive examples of collaboration, locally tailored social protection mechanisms and community leadership. It also found challenges, including bypassed community structures and traditional adaptation techniques, duplication of efforts and weak coordination. The article concludes with a call to localise ABA approaches further, to strengthen people-centred disaster recovery and locally owned resilience.



在迅速城市化的太平洋岛屿中,洪水事件将恶化。(1)大多数太平洋岛屿城镇位于低洼地区,容易受到更严重的热带气旋和海平面上升的影响。灾害响应和恢复的方法需要改进。本文使用来自基于区域的方法 (ABA) 的四项原则——以人为本的响应、适应过程、多部门合作和反思实践——来回顾斐济、所罗门群岛和瓦努阿图的城市灾难恢复工作。信息是通过关键知情人访谈和文献回顾收集的。研究发现了合作、当地量身定制的社会保护机制和社区领导的积极例子。它还发现了挑战,包括绕过社区结构和传统的适应技术、重复工作和缺乏协调。