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Parabolic induction and the Harish-Chandra 𝒟-module
Representation Theory ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-24 , DOI: 10.1090/ert/603
Victor Ginzburg

Abstract:Let $G$ be a reductive group and $L$ a Levi subgroup. Parabolic induction and restriction are a pair of adjoint functors between $\operatorname {Ad}$-equivariant derived categories of either constructible sheaves or (not necessarily holonomic) ${\mathscr {D}}$-modules on $G$ and $L$, respectively. Bezrukavnikov and Yom Din proved, generalizing a classic result of Lusztig, that these functors are exact. In this paper, we consider a special case where $L=T$ is a maximal torus. We give explicit formulas for parabolic induction and restriction in terms of the Harish-Chandra ${\mathscr {D}}$-module on ${G\times T}$. We show that this module is flat over ${\mathscr {D}}(T)$, which easily implies that parabolic induction and restriction are exact functors between the corresponding abelian categories of ${\mathscr {D}}$-modules.


抛物线归纳法和 Harish-Chandra 𝒟-模块

摘要:令$G$为约简群,$L$为Levi子群。抛物线归纳和限制是 $\operatorname {Ad}$-等变派生类别的可构造滑轮或(不一定是完整的)${\mathscr {D}}$-在 $G$ 和 $L $,分别。Bezrukavnikov 和 Yom Din 通过推广 Lusztig 的经典结果证明了这些函子是精确的。在本文中,我们考虑一种特殊情况,其中 $L=T$ 是最大环面。我们根据 ${G\times T}$ 上的 Harish-Chandra ${\mathscr {D}}$-模给出抛物线归纳和限制的明确公式。我们证明这个模块在 ${\mathscr {D}}(T)$ 上是平坦的,这很容易暗示抛物线归纳和限制是 ${\mathscr {D}}$ 模块的相应阿贝尔类别之间的精确函子。