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Public Theology Facing Digital Spaces Public Theology, Digital Theology and Changing Spaces for Theological Reasoning
International Journal of Public Theology Pub Date : 2022-03-22 , DOI: 10.1163/15697320-01540029
Frederike van Oorschot 1

Digital technologies are increasingly transforming communication, culture, and the public sphere. These developments lead to new hybrid spaces and publics, propelling a cultural change that affects not only our understanding of public but also the way we think and act as public theologians. This article examines the implications of this change for a public theology in and for digital spaces in relation to current debates about digital theology.

Outlining different governances of digital public spaces, it reflects on the hermeneutical and epistemological implications for theological thinking of and in public spaces. Taking up the debates of digital theology, it highlights the challenges of changing theological models and concepts in the search for theologies of the digital.


面向数字空间的公共神学 公共神学、数字神学和神学推理的变化空间


