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Intrahousehold moral hazard frictions and household poverty traps in rural India
Economics of Transition ( IF 0.611 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-28 , DOI: 10.1111/ecot.12326
John K. Pattison‐Williams 1 , Philippe Marcoul 1 , Sandeep Mohapatra 1

We empirically study the role of assets held by women in the creation of household wealth using data from rural India. We design a streamlined model of intrahousehold project funding where moral hazard frictions between spouses and women's asset control are the main ingredients. As predicted by the model, the data show that household asset accumulation depends on women's asset control in a non-monotonic way. Results indicate no presence of multiple equilibrium poverty traps, but do show that exogenous negative shocks will trigger assets aggregation within households where both spouses are present. This resilience mechanism is, however, not found in female headed household as these households have a monotonic relationship between women's wealth control and asset creation. We thus argue that policies to support women's empowerment need to distinguish women based on their individual wealth levels and headship status to enhance household well-being in remote Indian communities.


