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Psychological Characteristics of Leaders (PsyCL): A New Data Set
Foreign Policy Analysis ( IF 2.646 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-07 , DOI: 10.1093/fpa/orac008
Mark Schafer 1 , Joshua E Lambert 1

This article introduces the Psychological Characteristics of Leaders (PsyCL) data set. Foreign policy decisions are made by humans, and human psychology affects those decisions. While structural factors likely shape policy challenges and opportunities, excluding humans from our models is certain to miss important factors. Psychology has been excluded in the past in part because of the lack of data; PsyCL begins to address this problem. We discuss the importance of psychology in decision-making, describe the structure and scope of the data and its flexible units of analysis, present some simple empirical examples, and conclude with thoughts on future research.



本文介绍了领导者的心理特征(PsyCL)数据集。外交政策决定是由人类做出的,人类心理会影响这些决定。虽然结构性因素可能会塑造政策挑战和机遇,但将人类排除在我们的模型之外肯定会错过重要因素。过去心理学被排除在外,部分原因是缺乏数据;PsyCL 开始解决这个问题。我们讨论了心理学在决策制定中的重要性,描述了数据的结构和范围及其灵活的分析单位,提供了一些简单的经验示例,并以对未来研究的想法作为结论。