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“Keeping the Wound Open”: Survivor Experiences with Title IX Investigations
Women & Criminal Justice ( IF 1.477 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-20 , DOI: 10.1080/08974454.2022.2060896
Katherine Lorenz 1 , Rebecca Hayes 2 , Cathrine Jacobsen 3


Sexual violence on college campuses is a pressing issue that harms both undergraduate and graduate students. Title IX requires educational institutions to take prompt and equitable action to ensure that students who experience sexual violence can fully participate in and benefit from the institution’s educational program. Despite institutions’ legal obligations to adhere to Title IX policy, the evidence suggests that Title IX practices are often more harmful than helpful to survivors. We use qualitative interview data from a U.S. sample of N = 21 sexual violence survivors to explore undergraduate and graduate student experiences with Title IX reporting and investigation processes. All survivors in our sample perceived some aspect of their reporting experience to be negative, and for many survivors the Title IX investigation process resulted in further harm including secondary victimization, emotional/psychological, academic, and financial consequences. We discuss implications for research and university responses that can promote healing for survivors.




大学校园里的性暴力是一个紧迫的问题,它伤害了本科生和研究生。第九条要求教育机构采取迅速和公平的行动,以确保遭受性暴力的学生能够充分参与并受益于该机构的教育计划。尽管机构有遵守 Title IX 政策的法律义务,但有证据表明,Title IX 的做法对幸存者的伤害往往大于帮助。我们使用来自美国N样本的定性访谈数据 = 21 名性暴力幸存者探索本科生和研究生在 Title IX 报告和调查过程中的经历。我们样本中的所有幸存者都认为他们报告经历的某些方面是负面的,对于许多幸存者来说,第九条调查过程导致了进一步的伤害,包括二次受害、情感/心理、学术和经济后果。我们讨论了可以促进幸存者康复的研究和大学反应的影响。
