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Addressing Sensory Needs for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Classroom
Intervention in School and Clinic ( IF 1.067 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-05 , DOI: 10.1177/10534512221093786
Jaclyn M. Dynia 1 , Katherine M. Walton 2 , Grace M. Sagester 3 , Elizabeth K. Schmidt 4 , Kelly J. Tanner

Despite substantial comorbidity of sensory dysfunction and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), there are few evidence-based sensory interventions for educators to implement in their classrooms. Nonetheless, recent research has found that early childhood educators are frequently implementing sensory strategies in the classroom despite this lack of evidence. This article provides educators with an evidence-informed roadmap for choosing interventions to address sensory needs in children with ASD, and steps for implementing and evaluating the impact of these interventions in their classrooms. Each child with ASD is unique, and therefore it is imperative to work with an occupational therapist to determine the child’s sensory processing needs and tailor interventions to meet these individualized needs.



尽管感觉功能障碍和自闭症谱系障碍 (ASD) 存在大量合并症,但教育工作者在课堂上实施的基于证据的感觉干预措施很少。尽管如此,最近的研究发现,尽管缺乏证据,但幼儿教育工作者经常在课堂上实施感官策略。本文为教育工作者提供了一个循证路线图,用于选择干预措施来满足 ASD 儿童的感官需求,以及在课堂上实施和评估这些干预措施的影响的步骤。每个患有 ASD 的孩子都是独一无二的,因此必须与职业治疗师一起确定孩子的感觉处理需求并定制干预措施以满足这些个性化需求。
