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Indianness in Photography
South Asia Research Pub Date : 2022-04-21 , DOI: 10.1177/02627280221091813
Maja Tabea Jerrentrup 1, 2

This article explores the question whether there is a specifically Indian style of photography. A survey of photography students from various institutions revealed that though there is little clarity about the actual look of an Indian style of photography, students clearly define their own photographs as Indian. Intriguingly, the focus is less on certain visual characteristics, but more on the feelings they derive from the photographs, a scenario which is reminiscent of the rasa theory. Even though this was hardly mentioned by the students, this psycho-social element seems to have left a cultural imprint but also reflects an act of claiming ownership and agency. In addition, the students identified alienating aspects in photography, such as seeing one’s own culture like an outsider, but at the same time consider it to be integrating, since photography paves the way for a deeper engagement with one’s own culture, and as such strengthens Indianness.


