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Exploring alcohol cultures and homosocial relationships in women's amateur AFL teams
Journal of Sociology ( IF 2.643 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-14 , DOI: 10.1177/14407833221093398
Lily Curtis 1 , Steven Roberts 1

Young women's risky drinking cultures are pertinent to the world of amateur Australian Football League, yet they have received limited research attention. Drawing on surveys, focus groups, and semi-structured ‘scroll-back’ interviews, this study provides an in-depth investigation of negotiations of gender and risky drinking in such cultures. A range of intersecting socio-cultural themes were identified, summarised into four overarching elements: drinking as central to initial homosociality; awareness of appropriateness; divergences between women's and men's cultural priorities and alcohol behaviours; and young women's unique cultural prioritisation of collectivity and mutuality. The findings further sociological knowledge on risky drinking and gender.


探索女子业余 AFL 队中的酒精文化和同性恋关系

