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Reflected image processing abnormalities in dementia – a case series and review
Neurocase ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-08 , DOI: 10.1080/13554794.2022.2072227
Thomas Gregor Issac 1 , Shiv Shanker Reddy Mukku 1 , Sandhya Mangalore 2 , Preeti Sinha 1 , Palanimuthu T Sivakumar 1


Dementia is a neurodegenerative condition with progressive decline in cognitive faculties and associated with different clinical phenomena. Mirror phenomenon in terms of both mirror agnosia and mirror image agnosia wherein there is difficulty in processing and perception of reflected images is not uncommonly seen, and understanding the same can contribute to early diagnosis and prognostication. We report two elderly women with Alzheimer’s dementia and frontotemporal dementia, respectively, presenting with features of abnormalities in mirror image processing. The former had features of both mirror agnosia and mirror image agnosia and the latter had predominantly features of mirror image agnosia with preoccupation with her mirror image. Understanding neuroanatomical networks underlying these phenomena can help early identification and subtyping dementia. Clinically differentiating these phenomena from psychotic symptoms of dementia can help in initiating appropriate non-pharmacological measures rather than resorting to use of psychotropics, the use of which may be counterproductive.




