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Justinian, Vitiges and the peace treaty of 540 (Proc. Bell. Goth. 2.29.2)
Byzantinische Zeitschrift Pub Date : 2021-09-21 , DOI: 10.1515/bz-2021-0053
Marco Cristini 1

The proposed peace treaty of 540 between Justinian and Vitiges ‒ according to most interpretations of Proc. Bell. Goth. 2.29.2 ‒ included a partition of Italy into two areas, one located south of the river Po and controlled by Justinian and the other located north of the Po and controlled by the Goths. However, a closer examination of Procopius’ wording and of similar passages indicates that Justinian aimed to receive only the tax revenues of southern and central Italy, with the provinces themselves remaining in the hands of the Goths.


查士丁尼、维提格斯和 540 年和平条约(Proc. Bell. Goth. 2.29.2)

根据对 Proc 的大多数解释,查士丁尼和维提格斯之间提议的 540 年和平条约。钟。哥特。2.29.2 ‒ 将意大利划分为两个区域,一个位于波河以南,由查士丁尼控制,另一个位于波河以北,由哥特人控制。然而,对普罗科皮乌斯的措辞和类似段落的仔细研究表明,查士丁尼的目标只是获得意大利南部和中部的税收,而这些省份本身仍掌握在哥特人手中。