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Imprisoned martyrs on the move: reading holiness in Byzantine martyrdom accounts
Byzantinische Zeitschrift Pub Date : 2021-09-21 , DOI: 10.1515/bz-2021-0061
Christodoulos Papavarnavas 1

This paper shows that the protagonists of Byzantine Passions are often depicted as attaining holiness while on the move: after their arrest by pagan soldiers, Christian martyrs are subjected to travels for legal reasons. Drawing on the anthropological concept of liminality (Arnold van Gennep, Victor Turner), I will suggest that such inflicted travels or transfers in Byzantine Passions serve as liminal phases between interrogation, torture, imprisonment, and execution, by which the protagonists ascend to the state of holiness. The paper, structured in three major sections, focuses on scenes of ‘imprisoned martyrs on the move’ as delineated in both pre-Metaphrastic and Metaphrastic martyrdom accounts (fourth-tenth centuries). After a concise introduction to the theoretical background and the text corpus of this study, the main sections explicate the motif of imposed movement in conjunction with the literary construction of holiness, the spiritual formation of the audience, and the structure of a martyrdom narrative.



本文表明,拜占庭受难记的主人公经常被描绘为在行进中获得圣洁:在被异教徒士兵逮捕后,基督教殉道者因法律原因被迫旅行。借鉴人类学的阈限性概念(阿诺德·范·热内普、维克多·特纳),我将建议在《拜占庭的激情》中这种强加的旅行或转移充当审讯、酷刑、监禁和处决之间的阈限阶段,通过这些阶段主人公升入国家的圣洁。这篇论文分为三个主要部分,重点关注“被囚禁的烈士在移动中”的场景,这些场景在隐喻前和隐喻殉道记述(4-10 世纪)中都有描述。在简要介绍了本研究的理论背景和文本语料库之后,