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Der Islam-Diskurs bei Niketas von Byzanz
Byzantinische Zeitschrift Pub Date : 2021-09-21 , DOI: 10.1515/bz-2021-0066
Manolis Ulbricht 1

The article analyzes the anti-Islamic polemical discourse of Nicetas of Byzantium (9th/10th c.), one of the most important Byzantine apologists and polemicists flourishing in the intellectual-theological context of Patriarch Photios in Constantinople. This paper crystallizes the main topics of discussion in Nicetas’ Refutation of the Qur’an (Vat. gr. 681) and presents his argumentation against Islam.To structure and evaluate the wayNicetas perceives Islam, I have developed a methodology of four thematic categories (Theology, Ethics, History, Physiology) with correspondent polemical subcategories. This research approach may also serve as a paradigm enhancing further studies on other sources related to Christian-Muslim interfaith dialogue.



这篇文章分析了拜占庭尼西塔斯(9th/10th c.)的反伊斯兰论战话语,他是在君士坦丁堡宗主教 Photios 的知识神学背景下蓬勃发展的最重要的拜占庭辩护者和论战者之一。本文明确了尼塞塔斯《古兰经的反驳》(Vat. gr. 681)中讨论的主要主题,并提出了他反对伊斯兰教的论点。为了构建和评估尼塞塔斯对伊斯兰教的看法,我制定了四个主题类别的方法论(神学、伦理学、历史学、生理学)以及相应的争论子类别。这种研究方法也可以作为一种范式,加强对与基督教-穆斯林信仰间对话相关的其他来源的进一步研究。