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“A statue of bronze, by which times of old used to honor men of rare example”: Materials of honorific statues in Late Antiquity
Byzantinische Zeitschrift Pub Date : 2022-04-11 , DOI: 10.1515/bz-2022-0009
Esen Öğüş 1

It is the purpose of this article to present the archaeological, epigraphic and literary evidence on the materials of honorific statues in Late Antiquity with a fresh outlook to delve into their cultural meaning and potential for manipulation and power display. The article questions how material choice and employment fits the conventions of state tradition and social customs, whether certain materials were deemed more prestigious and appropriate for the statues of the imperial family versus other honorands, and whether this prestige depended on the cost of the material or other visual/cultural factors. The results of the inquiry show that the choice of materials depended on a mix of factors and diverse local practices, and of all the available materials, bronze remained as the most widely-manipulated one.


