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A list of village payments and the bouleutic career of Theodoros
Byzantinische Zeitschrift Pub Date : 2022-04-11 , DOI: 10.1515/bz-2022-0007
Marcin Kotyl 1

The article discusses the bouleutic career of certain Theodoros, son of Komasios flourished in fourth-century Hermopolis. Based on an edition of a new papyrus fragment (P.Giss. inv. 307), it argues that Theodoros - before he was the riparius in 362 CE - served as the praepositus pagi. Also, a revision of CPR VIII 36,7 reveals that at a certain point in his career Theodoros was called the prototypos poleos, which is a forerunner of the later proteuon or the honorary titulature for members of the city council.



这篇文章讨论了科马西奥斯之子西奥多罗斯在四世纪赫尔莫波利斯的繁荣发展的某些布尔鲁斯的职业生涯。基于新纸莎草纸片段的一个版本(P.Giss. inv. 307),它认为 Theodoros - 在他于公元 362 年成为 riparius 之前 - 曾担任 praepositus pagi。此外,对 CPR VIII 36,7 的修订显示,在他职业生涯的某个阶段,西奥多罗斯被称为 prototypospoleos,这是后来 proteuon 的先驱或市议会成员的荣誉称号。