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Heraclius Constantine III – Emperor of Byzantium (613–641)
Byzantinische Zeitschrift Pub Date : 2022-04-11 , DOI: 10.1515/bz-2022-0004
Nikolas Hächler 1

This paper evaluates the significance of emperor Heraclius Constantine III, the eldest son of Heraclius (610 -641), for Byzantium in times of political and military crisis. The first part examines how Heraclius established his family as an imperial dynasty of Byzantium between 613 and 622. The second section analyzes how the young emperor represented his father in Constantinople, while Heraclius waged war against the Persian Sasanids during the 620s. The final segment deals on the one hand with the joint rule of Heraclius and his eldest son after Byzantine victories against the Persians and, on the other hand, with the growing influence of Heraclonas. Finally, the contribution explores Heraclius Constantine’s III role as Augustus senior after his father’s death in 641. The until now often understudied emperor was thereby of essential importance for Byzantium’s stability in the first half of the 7th century.


赫拉克略君士坦丁三世 – 拜占庭皇帝 (613–641)

本文评估了赫拉克略斯 (610 -641) 的长子君士坦丁三世皇帝在政治和军事危机时期对拜占庭的意义。第一部分考察了赫拉克略斯如何在 613 至 622 年间将他的家族建立为拜占庭帝国王朝。第二部分分析了这位年轻的皇帝如何在君士坦丁堡代表他的父亲,而赫拉克略斯如何在 620 年代与波斯萨珊王朝发动战争。最后一部分一方面涉及在拜占庭战胜波斯人之后赫拉克利乌斯和他的长子的联合统治,另一方面涉及赫拉克洛纳斯日益增长的影响力。最后,该贡献探讨了赫拉克略·君士坦丁三世在他父亲于 641 年去世后作为奥古斯都长辈的角色。