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Parallel Calculation Method for Urban Two-Dimensional Rainfall Flood Model Based on Compute Unified Device Architecture
Environmental Engineering Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-08 , DOI: 10.1089/ees.2021.0310
Wenda Li 1 , Shanghong Zhang 1 , Xiyan Yang 1 , Hexin Bao 1

High-precision flood simulation can effectively give early warning or assess the corresponding risk of urban flood disaster. Recently, high-resolution terrain data have been used to completely solve the two-dimensional (2D) shallow water equations for urban flood simulations, thus improving the reliability of the results. With the development of refined terrain data, the number of calculations required for model simulations has increased significantly, and traditional parallel computing methods are becoming relatively time-consuming. This article describes the application of a parallel algorithm in the compute unified device architecture framework. A 2D hydrodynamic parallel model is established and applied to the simulation of rainfall-induced flooding in Nangang District, Harbin, China. Compared with the serial calculation method, an acceleration ratio of 42 times is obtained. Finally, the influence of different grid resolutions on the simulation accuracy and speed is discussed. The research results provide a reference for the parallel calculation of high-precision flood simulations and the formulation of simulation schemes.


