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Affective experiences and expressions in institutional context: the case of a boarding school for Indigenous students in India
Ethnography and Education Pub Date : 2022-05-10 , DOI: 10.1080/17457823.2022.2072690
Christine Finnan 1


The 22,500 Indigenous students attending an Indian boarding school sacrifice living with family to essentially grow up in an institutional setting, in part to receive free education but also because they believe in the school’s promise of a bright future. In this context, students’ affective expressions and experiences are moulded by an all-enveloping institutional environment. The article relies on two concepts, ‘institutions of hope’ and ‘total institutions’ to examine the institutional context in which students shape their aspirations and weigh the balance of sacrifice and opportunity. Ethnographic data were collected through on campus observation, visits to students’ villages, and interviews with former and current students, parents, teachers, administrators, and visitors. Additionally, institutional messaging on social media and the school’s website was analysed. The data paint a picture of how, within this institutional context, sacrifice is justified in pursuit of aspirations, and hope for a better future through education is internalised.




就读于印度寄宿学校的 22,500 名土著学生牺牲了与家人一起生活,基本上在机构环境中长大,部分原因是为了接受免费教育,但也因为他们相信学校对光明未来的承诺。在这种情况下,学生的情感表达和体验是由一个包罗万象的制度环境塑造的。这篇文章依赖于两个概念,“希望的机构”和“整体机构”来检查学生塑造他们的愿望并权衡牺牲和机会的平衡的制度环境。人种学数据是通过校园观察、访问学生村、采访以前和现在的学生、家长、教师、管理人员和访客来收集的。此外,分析了社交媒体和学校网站上的机构信息。这些数据描绘了一幅图景,在这种制度背景下,为了追求抱负而牺牲是正当的,如何通过教育实现更美好未来的希望被内化。
