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Unbundling workplace conflict: Exploring the relationship between grievances and non-strike industrial actions and the moderating effect of voice mechanisms
Journal of Industrial Relations ( IF 3.189 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-09 , DOI: 10.1177/00221856221099788
Sung-Chul Noh 1 , Robert Hebdon 2

Given that an understanding of the inter-relationships among workplace conflict expressions is necessary for effective dispute resolution, this study explores the moderating roles of various types of voice mechanisms in the relationship between grievances and non-strike industrial actions. Using data from the Statistics Canada's Workplace and Employee Survey, we found evidence that a positive relationship between grievances and non-strike industrial action (e.g. slowdowns, work-to-rule, etc.) is stronger in workplaces with weaker union voice, is weaker in non-union workplaces with more extensive high-involvement work systems, and was not affected by the presence of alternative dispute resolution systems. Our findings provide theoretical insights into the role of voice mechanism in the inter-relationships between individual and collective forms of conflict in both union and non-union environments. The results also have practical implications for dispute resolution in terms of the management of conflict and dispute systems design.



