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Suppressing Scientific Discourse on Vaccines? Self-perceptions of researchers and practitioners
HEC Forum ( IF 1.200 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s10730-022-09479-7
Ety Elisha 1 , Josh Guetzkow 2 , Yaffa Shir-Raz 3, 4 , Natti Ronel 5

The controversy over vaccines has recently intensified in the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic, with calls from politicians, health professionals, journalists, and citizens to take harsh measures against so-called “anti-vaxxers,” while accusing them of spreading “fake news” and as such, of endangering public health. However, the issue of suppression of vaccine dissenters has rarely been studied from the point of view of those who raise concerns about vaccine safety. The purpose of the present study was to examine the subjective perceptions of professionals (physicians, nurses, researchers) involved with vaccines through practice and/or research and who take a critical view on vaccines, about what they perceive as the suppression of dissent in the field of vaccines, their response to it, and its potential implications on science and medicine. Respondents reported being subjected to a variety of censorship and suppression tactics, including the retraction of papers pointing to vaccine safety problems, negative publicity, difficulty in obtaining research funding, calls for dismissal, summonses to official hearings, suspension of medical licenses, and self-censorship. Respondents also reported on what has been termed a “backfire effect” – a counter-reaction that draws more attention to the opponents’ position. Suppression of dissent impairs scientific discourse and research practice while creating the false impression of scientific consensus.



在全球 COVID-19 大流行之后,关于疫苗的争议最近愈演愈烈,政界人士、卫生专业人员、记者和公民呼吁对所谓的“反疫苗者”采取严厉措施,同时指责他们传播“假新闻”,因此,危害公共健康。然而,从那些对疫苗安全性提出担忧的人的角度来看,很少有人研究打压疫苗异议者的问题。本研究的目的是检查通过实践和/或研究参与疫苗的专业人士(医生、护士、研究人员)的主观看法,他们对疫苗持批评态度,他们认为什么是压制异议。疫苗领域,它们对疫苗的反应,以及它对科学和医学的潜在影响。受访者报告称受到了各种审查和压制策略,包括撤回指出疫苗安全问题的论文、负面宣传、难以获得研究资金、要求解雇、传唤官方听证会、暂停医疗执照和自我审查制度。受访者还报告了所谓的“适得其反的效应”——一种引起更多关注对手立场的反作用。压制异议会损害科学话语和研究实践,同时会造成科学共识的错误印象。传票参加正式听证会、暂停医疗执照和自我审查。受访者还报告了所谓的“适得其反的效应”——一种引起更多关注对手立场的反作用。压制异议会损害科学话语和研究实践,同时会造成科学共识的错误印象。传票参加正式听证会、暂停医疗执照和自我审查。受访者还报告了所谓的“适得其反的效应”——一种引起更多关注对手立场的反作用。压制异议会损害科学话语和研究实践,同时会造成科学共识的错误印象。
