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Engaging Students Using an Arts-Based Pedagogy: Teaching and Learning Sociological Theory through Film, Art, and Music
Teaching Sociology ( IF 1.860 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-13 , DOI: 10.1177/0092055x221096657
Linda Hunter 1 , Eleanor Frawley 1

In this study we explore how incorporating an arts-based pedagogical approach, specifically, the use of film, art, and music, into a second-year sociological theory course enhances students’ overall learning experiences. We report on data collected from a survey given to students enrolled in this course in 2020. Findings reveal that employing this arts-based pedagogy helps students to sustain an interest in the course material, understand the theoretical course material, engage in a higher level of thinking/analysis, feel more confident in their abilities to write about theories covered in the course, apply theory in the real world, contextualize historical content, and enhance their memory of theories and concepts. Findings are also compared with data collected from a similar survey conducted in 2009, revealing that the overall favorable responses to arts-based resources have remained consistent over time and that this pedagogy remains an enduring approach that contributes to positive student learning experiences.



在这项研究中,我们探讨了如何将基于艺术的教学方法,特别是电影、艺术和音乐的使用,融入二年级的社会学理论课程中,从而提高学生的整体学习体验。我们报告了从 2020 年对参加该课程的学生进行的一项调查中收集的数据。调查结果表明,采用这种以艺术为基础的教学法有助于学生保持对课程材料的兴趣,理解理论课程材料,参与更高水平的学习。思考/分析,对他们撰写课程中涵盖的理论的能力更有信心,在现实世界中应用理论,将历史内容置于情境中,并增强他们对理论和概念的记忆。调查结果还与 2009 年进行的类似调查收集的数据进行了比较,