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Paying for Work-Family Balance: Assessing the Role of Family-Friendly Job Amenities in Occupational Segregation
Social Currents Pub Date : 2022-05-21 , DOI: 10.1177/23294965221094791
Miriam Barcus 1

Workers in female-dominated occupations earn less, on average, than workers in comparable male-dominated occupations. To explain the gendered occupational wage disparity, com pensating differentials theory focuses on women’s preferences and asserts that women cluster in occupations that pay less in exchange for family-friendly job amenities. On the other hand, the devaluation perspective argues these wage discrepancies are the result of the cultural devaluation of women’s work that leads to both lower wages and a lower likelihood of having job amenities. Using data from the 2017–2018 American Time Use Survey Leave Module, I examine whether workers in female-dominated occupations are indeed more likely to have access to family-friendly job amenities. I focus on workers’ access to three contemporary family-friendly job amenities: paid leave, remote work, and flexible scheduling. I find that workers in female-dominated jobs are no more likely to have access to family-friendly job amenities than workers in male-dominated jobs. Additionally, family-friendly job amenities are associated with higher wages, not the lower wages as compensating differentials posits. These findings suggest that compensating differentials theory cannot explain the clustering of women in lower-paying occupations.



平均而言,女性主导职业的工人收入低于男性主导职业的工人。为了解释性别职业工资差异,补偿差异理论侧重于女性的偏好,并断言女性聚集在工资较低的职业中,以换取家庭友好的工作便利。另一方面,贬值观点认为,这些工资差异是文化对女性工作贬值的结果,这种贬值导致工资降低和获得工作便利的可能性降低。使用来自 2017-2018 年美国时间使用调查休假模块的数据,我研究了女性主导职业中的工人是否确实更有可能获得家庭友好型工作设施。我专注于员工获得三种适合家庭的现代工作设施:带薪休假、远程工作,灵活调度。我发现从事女性主导工作的工人与男性主导工作的工人相比,不太可能获得家庭友好型工作设施。此外,家庭友好型工作设施与更高的工资相关,而不是与补偿差异假设的较低工资相关。这些发现表明,补偿差异理论无法解释女性在低收入职业中的聚集。