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Theology Pub Date : 2022-05-17 , DOI: 10.1177/0040571x221097542
Robin Gill

The first article in this issue of Theology explores how theology can be brought into creative dialogue with the practical and ethical issues raised by adult social care. The author, Dr Stacey Rand, is exceptionally well qualified to make this exploration as she is both a senior research fellow in social care policy and a non-stipendiary Anglican priest. In the following article, Emily Hogg writes a timely article on biblical language in relation to the current ecological crisis. Two important articles follow on the Eucharist: the first by Dr David Grumett on the significance of Sunday morning Eucharists and the second a review article by Bishop Pierre Whalon on Professor Richard Burridge’s spirited, but nuanced, defence of virtual Eucharists in the context of COVID-19. Then, both Dr Mark Siddall and Dr Rob James use Luke to good effect: the first to reflect upon the parable of the prodigal son in relation to climate change and the second to reflect upon the words uttered by the Centurion present at the death of Jesus as a contribution to our ongoing Difficult Texts series. Plenty to reflect upon here.



本期神学第一篇探讨如何将神学带入与成人社会关怀提出的实际和伦理问题的创造性对话中。作者 Stacey Rand 博士非常有资格进行这项探索,因为她既是社会关怀政策的高级研究员,又是一名非受薪圣公会牧师。在接下来的文章中,Emily Hogg 及时撰写了一篇关于当前生态危机的圣经语言文章。关于圣体圣事的两篇重要文章:第一篇是大卫·格鲁梅特博士关于周日早晨圣体圣事的重要性,第二篇是皮埃尔·沃隆主教关于理查德·伯里奇教授在 COVID- 19. 然后,Mark Siddall 博士和 Rob James 博士都使用 Luke 取得了很好的效果:第一个反思与气候变化有关的浪子的比喻,第二个反思耶稣死时百夫长所说的话,作为对我们正在进行的困难文本系列的贡献。这里有很多值得反思的地方。