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Migrants, Minorities, and Populism in Southeast Asia Thomas Pepinsky
Pacific Affairs ( IF 1.372 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.5509/2020933593
Thomas Pepinsky

Populists in Southeast Asia generally refrain from invoking anti-migrant and anti-minority sentiments as part of their mobilizational strategies. This differentiates them from "exclusionary" populists in Europe, even though many Southeast Asian countries are diverse societies with long histories of migration and ethnic chauvinism. Because the categories of peoplehood that were set alongside the onset of mass politics at independence remain salient today, they constrain contemporary Asian populists' rhetorical and mobilizational strategies—even in Southeast Asia's diverse societies. The Southeast Asian experience reveals the importance of historical sequence in nationalist mobilization and mass incorporation in shaping popular identity, citizenship, and membership in contemporary populism.


东南亚的移民、少数族裔和民粹主义 Thomas Pepinsky
