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Robust Optimization Model of Feeder Lines Routing Based on the Hub Port
Transportation Journal ( IF 1.241 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.5325/transportationj.59.3.0279
Xiaoling Huang 1 , Huanping Chen 2 , Lufeng Liu 2 , Jihong Chen 3

Abstract This article determines one reasonable feeder-line routing for a containership fleet performing pickup and deliveries between the hub ports and spoke ports. It first analyzes the relationship between the hub port and feeder lines and then investigates how to design robust feeder lines routing. A robust optimization model with pickup, deliveries, and time deadlines is built. Improved genetic algorithms are used to solve the model. Results show that the robust optimization model can improve the robustness of the feeder lines routing and reduce the investment risk caused by the uncertainty in the feeder network design.



摘要 本文确定了一种合理的支线路线,供集装箱船队在枢纽港和辐条港之间进行取货和交付。它首先分析了集线器端口和馈线之间的关系,然后研究了如何设计稳健的馈线路由。建立了一个具有提货、交付和时间期限的稳健优化模型。改进的遗传算法用于求解模型。结果表明,鲁棒优化模型可以提高支线路由的鲁棒性,降低支线网络设计不确定性带来的投资风险。