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The complementary nature of linguistic mediation in transnational adoption mobility
Language Problems and Language Planning ( IF 1.115 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-28 , DOI: 10.1075/lplp.00026.fio
Alice Fiorentino 1

Abstract In order to explore why people in multilingual contexts choose one mediation strategy or another, we conducted case studies involving short-term mobility for adoption purposes. For parents who adopt a child born in a different country, the experience necessitates a range of linguistic strategies that include language learning, interpreting and translation services, lingua francas, and intercomprehension. A study of ten Italian transnational adoptive families shows that adoptive parents tend to combine these strategies according to the situational relevance of four mobility-related variables: parental agency, accuracy of information, self-reliance, and intimacy. The adoptive parents’ opinions about the benefits and limitations of each strategy indicate that mediation strategies are complementary means to reach the complex general purpose of acquiring parenthood.



摘要 为了探讨为什么人们在多语言环境中选择一种或另一种调解策略,我们进行了涉及短期流动性的案例研究。对于收养在不同国家/地区出生的孩子的父母来说,这种体验需要一系列语言策略,包括语言学习、口译和笔译服务、通用语和相互理解。一项针对十个意大利跨国收养家庭的研究表明,收养父母倾向于根据四个与流动性相关的变量的情境相关性来结合这些策略:父母代理、信息的准确性、自力更生和亲密关系。