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PIAAC and the South – Is Southering the new Othering? Global Expansion of dominant Discourses on Adult Literacy
European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults Pub Date : 2020-03-12 , DOI: 10.3384/rela.2000-7426.rela9214
Anke Grotlüschen , Klaus Buddeberg

Large-scale studies such as Programme for the international assessment of adult competencies (PIAAC) are currently the most influential variant of literacy research. PIAAC is undergoing a process of regional expansion towards countries located in the geographical south. Based on the finding that large-scale studies can create stereotypes about social groups, this contribution examines the extent to which this danger also exists with regard to countries and regions. For doing so we suggest the term southering. Southering brings together the discourses about the South with the concept of othering, introduced by Said (1978). The presentation of the results as tables and world maps can result in exposing countries of the South to a pronounced deficit perspective. The contribution does not pursue the goal of questioning the legitimacy of international studies. Rather, we would like to point out the necessity of exercising due care in the interpretation of corresponding study results.


PIAAC 和南方——南方是新的他者吗?成人扫盲主导话语的全球扩张

诸如成人能力国际评估计划 (PIAAC) 等大规模研究是目前识字研究中最具影响力的变体。PIAAC 正在向位于地理南部的国家进行区域扩张。基于大规模研究可以对社会群体产生刻板印象的发现,本文研究了这种危险在国家和地区也存在的程度。为此,我们建议使用术语向南。Southering 将关于南方的话语与 Said (1978) 引入的他者概念结合在一起。以表格和世界地图的形式呈现结果可能会使南方国家面临明显的赤字前景。投稿不追求质疑国际研究合法性的目标。相反,我们想指出在解释相应研究结果时应谨慎行事的必要性。