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Black Panther: (De)criminalising (Dis)abilities in Reimagining Africa
International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/18186874.2020.1848396
Viwe Ndayi 1

Abstract This article considers the representation of disability as a criminalised un- African identity in the film Black Panther (directed by Ryan Coogler, 2018). Relying heavily on centuries of differentiation and the hierarchical ordering of bodies “that matter”, the film represents bodies as sites of writing and reading the politics of being and belonging in a future African society. Mass media representations of morality and criminality rely on this principle too. To construct the Wakandan moral identity, the film creates a criminalised non- Wakandan narrative that primarily relies on (dis)ability and futuristic prosthetic devices. A comparison between the characterisation of two white male characters, Ulysses Klaue and Everett Kenneth Ross, is presented in order to highlight their relationship to disability and its representation as a criminalised non-Wakandan concept. Klaue’s prosthetic arm is framed to represent greed, theft, punishment, and death. The article further considers how the film explores the intersection between disability, gender, and class. Nakia’s and Shuri’s relationships to Ross is juxtaposed with Linda’s relationship to Klaue in order to illustrate how the film constructs disability as a question of class and nationality. The article concludes by drawing lessons from Black Panther that can be used by film makers and media content producers alike. It highlights that in trying to imagine a desired African future, there is a need to embrace the complexities and multilayered nature of African bodies.



摘要 本文将残疾的表现视为电影《黑豹》(由瑞安·库格勒执导,2018 年)中被定罪的非非洲身份。这部电影严重依赖于几个世纪以来的差异化和“重要”身体的等级排序,将身体描绘成书写和阅读未来非洲社会存在和归属政治的场所。大众媒体对道德和犯罪行为的表述也依赖于这一原则。为了构建瓦坎达人的道德认同,这部电影创造了一种犯罪化的非瓦坎达人叙事,主要依赖于(失)能力和未来主义的假肢装置。两个白人男性角色 Ulysses Klaue 和 Everett Kenneth Ross 的性格比较,提出是为了强调它们与残疾的关系及其作为被定罪的非瓦坎达概念的代表性。Klaue 的假肢代表贪婪、盗窃、惩罚和死亡。文章进一步考虑了这部电影如何探索残疾、性别和阶级之间的交集。Nakia 和 Shuri 与 Ross 的关系与 Linda 与 Klaue 的关系并列,以说明电影如何将残疾构建为阶级和国籍问题。文章最后吸取了黑豹的教训,可供电影制作人和媒体内容制作人使用。它强调,在试图想象一个理想的非洲未来时,需要接受非洲机构的复杂性和多层次性。Klaue 的假肢代表贪婪、盗窃、惩罚和死亡。文章进一步考虑了这部电影如何探索残疾、性别和阶级之间的交集。Nakia 和 Shuri 与 Ross 的关系与 Linda 与 Klaue 的关系并列,以说明电影如何将残疾构建为阶级和国籍问题。文章最后吸取了黑豹的教训,可供电影制作人和媒体内容制作人使用。它强调,在试图想象一个理想的非洲未来时,需要接受非洲机构的复杂性和多层次性。Klaue 的假肢代表贪婪、盗窃、惩罚和死亡。文章进一步考虑了这部电影如何探索残疾、性别和阶级之间的交集。Nakia 和 Shuri 与 Ross 的关系与 Linda 与 Klaue 的关系并列,以说明电影如何将残疾构建为阶级和国籍问题。文章最后吸取了黑豹的教训,可供电影制作人和媒体内容制作人使用。它强调,在试图想象一个理想的非洲未来时,需要接受非洲机构的复杂性和多层次性。Nakia 和 Shuri 与 Ross 的关系与 Linda 与 Klaue 的关系并列,以说明电影如何将残疾构建为阶级和国籍问题。文章最后吸取了黑豹的教训,可供电影制作人和媒体内容制作人使用。它强调,在试图想象一个理想的非洲未来时,需要接受非洲机构的复杂性和多层次性。Nakia 和 Shuri 与 Ross 的关系与 Linda 与 Klaue 的关系并列,以说明电影如何将残疾构建为阶级和国籍问题。文章最后吸取了黑豹的教训,可供电影制作人和媒体内容制作人使用。它强调,在试图想象一个理想的非洲未来时,需要接受非洲机构的复杂性和多层次性。