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Exile Dreams: Antifascist Jews, Antisemitism and the ‘Other Germany’
Fascism Pub Date : 2020-12-21 , DOI: 10.1163/22116257-20201171
Anna Koch 1

This article examines the meanings antifascist German Jews invested in antifascism and highlights its role as an emotional place of belonging. The sense of belonging to a larger collective enabled antifascist Jews to hold onto their Germanness and believe in the possibility of an ‘other Germany’. While most German Jewish antifascists remained deeply invested in their home country in the 1930s, this idea of the ‘other Germany’ became increasingly difficult to uphold in the face of war and genocide. For some this belief received the final blow after the end of the Second World War when they returned and witnessed the construction of German states that fell short of the hopes they had nourished while in exile. Yet even though they became disillusioned with the ‘other Germany’, they remained attached to antifascism.



本文探讨反法西斯德国犹太人投入反法西斯主义的意义,并强调其作为情感归属地的作用。对更大集体的归属感使反法西斯犹太人能够坚持他们的德国性并相信“另一个德国”的可能性。虽然大多数德国犹太反法西斯主义者在 1930 年代仍然深深地投入到他们的祖国,但面对战争和种族灭绝,这种“另一个德国”的想法变得越来越难以坚持。对于一些人来说,这种信念在第二次世界大战结束后受到了最后的打击,当时他们返回并目睹了德国国家的建设,这些国家的建设没有达到他们在流亡期间所滋养的希望。然而,即使他们对“另一个德国”的幻想破灭,他们仍然依附于反法西斯主义。
