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Lighting, signing, showing: The circulability of Pink Dot's counterpublic discourse in Singapore
Journal of Sociolinguistics ( IF 1.587 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-29 , DOI: 10.1111/josl.12568
Vincent Pak 1, 2

Pink Dot, a homegrown LGBTQ activist group based in Singapore, has been treated as a social movement since its inauguration in 2009, and they organise an annual event to advocate for LGBTQ individuals. In 2020, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the twelfth edition of the event (PD12) took place online as a livestream on YouTube. The highlight of PD12 was the unveiling of a ‘digital pink dot’ via a virtual map of Singapore, where the permeability of its discourse in virtual and physical spaces became much more apparent in comparison with previous physical iterations of the event. Approaching the data with counterpublic and citizenship theory, I outline the circulability of discourse as the key feature of a counterpublic, and argue that PD12 achieves this in two ways: (i) the semiotic fragmentation of its physical signs and online discourse; and (ii) the deployment of intertextual elements in a drag performance.



Pink Dot 是一个总部位于新加坡的本土 LGBTQ 激进组织,自 2009 年成立以来一直被视为一场社会运动,他们组织年度活动来倡导 LGBTQ 个人。2020 年,由于冠状病毒大流行,第十二届活动 (PD12) 在 YouTube 上以直播的形式在线举行。PD12 的亮点是通过新加坡虚拟地图揭开“数字粉红点”的面纱,与之前的实体活动相比,其话语在虚拟和物理空间中的渗透性变得更加明显。以反公众和公民身份理论处理数据,我将话语的可流通性概括为反公众的关键特征,并认为 PD12 通过两种方式实现这一点:(i)其物理符号和在线话语的符号碎片化;