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Enhancing online courses with civic engagement through service learning
Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism Pub Date : 2022-05-30 , DOI: 10.1080/15313220.2022.2080149
Julie Dort 1 , Mimi Gough 1


During the past two years, faculty pivoted their face-to-face courses to an online platform in haste due to the pandemic, while others were fine-tuning their online offerings having already made the transition. Although each one was integrating curriculum either for the short term or in continuation for the foreseeable future, one teaching principle, Service-Learning (S-L), seems to have never been widely adapted to the online platform. According to the article, E-Service-Learning: The Evolution of Service-Learning to Engage a Growing Online Student Population, many institutions share concern that Service-Learning (S-L) is too challenging to adapt online; however, the authors acknowledge that since it produces greater benefits for all involved including students, faculty and community partners by increasing engagement and connecting to real-world applications, it should be incorporated. This paper will explore why Service-Learning (S-L) should be adapted to the online platform to expand student’s civic involvement as well as to better comprehend course content. It will also share examples of in-person service learning with suggested methods to transition particular projects to the online format.




在过去的两年里,由于大流行,教师们匆忙将他们的面对面课程转向在线平台,而其他人则在微调他们已经完成转型的在线课程。尽管每个人都在短期或在可预见的未来继续整合课程,但一种教学原则,即服务学习 (SL),似乎从未广泛适应在线平台。根据文章,电子服务学习:服务学习的演变以吸引不断增长的在线学生群体, 许多机构都担心服务学习 (SL) 太具有挑战性而无法在线适应;然而,作者承认,由于它通过增加参与度和与现实世界应用程序的连接,为包括学生、教师和社区合作伙伴在内的所有参与者带来了更大的利益,因此应该将其纳入。本文将探讨为什么服务学习 (SL) 应该适应在线平台以扩大学生的公民参与以及更好地理解课程内容。它还将分享面对面服务学习的示例,以及将特定项目转换为在线格式的建议方法。
