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Shaping the migrant: Semantic strategies to portray inward and outward migrants as social actors in the Arab press
Discourse & Communication ( IF 1.647 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-03 , DOI: 10.1177/17504813221099192
Marco Ammar 1 , Pamela Murgia 2

The present work proposes to explore the discourse on migration in Arabic language media outlets. Present scientific literature in discourse analysis studies consistently analyzed discourses on migration and displayed the consistency of its features. In this paper, we will analyze how the Arabic discourse on migration in the Mediterranean area, either inbound or outbound, are realized and if they are shaped by the European discourse (mediatic, political, institutional), in order to add an Arabic language contribution to the scientific discussion. The research showed that, while most established categories typical of discourses of racism were present, others were put into discussion, and a context-bound system of representation emerged, with its specificities concerning the reality of migration into and from Arabic countries. However, the European discourse resulted a strong presence, even in the representation of outbound migration of the specific ingroup.


