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The Problem of State Violence
Daedalus ( IF 1.340 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-01 , DOI: 10.1162/daed_a_01885
Paul Butler

Abstract When violence occurs, the state has an obligation to respond to and reduce the impacts of it; yet often the state originates, or at least contributes to, the violence. This may occur in a variety of ways, including through the use of force by police, pretrial incarceration at local jails, long periods of incarceration in prisons, or abuse and neglect of people who are incarcerated. This essay explores the role of the state in responding to violence and how it should contribute to reducing violence in communities, as well as in its own operations. Finally, it explores what the future of collaboration between state actors and the community looks like and offers examples of successful power-sharing and co-producing of safety between the state and the public.



摘要 当暴力发生时,国家有义务应对并减少其影响;然而,国家往往是暴力的始作俑者,或至少促成了暴力。这可能以多种方式发生,包括警察使用武力、当地监狱的审前监禁、长期监禁或虐待和忽视被监禁的人。本文探讨了国家在应对暴力方面的作用,以及它应如何为减少社区及其自身运作中的暴力做出贡献。最后,它探讨了国家行为者和社区之间合作的未来是什么样子,并提供了国家和公众之间成功分享权力和共同生产安全的例子。