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Violence, Criminalization & Punitive Excess
Daedalus ( IF 1.340 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-01 , DOI: 10.1162/daed_a_01888
Bruce Western , Sukyi McMahon

How can police, courts, and prisons in the United States be transformed to eliminate mass incarceration and produce a new kind of community safety that strengthens social bonds and reckons with a history of racial injustice? Over the last three years, from 2018 to 2021, the Justice Lab at Columbia University hosted a series of meetings for the Square One Project. Square One brings together leading scholars, community advocates, policy-makers, and practitioners to consider the question of justice in America. This issue of Dædalus includes essays from two of the Square One roundtable meetings. The first, “Examining Criminalization, Punitive Excess, and the Courts in the United States: Implications for Justice Policy and Practice,” was held in partnership with Merritt College in Oakland, California, in the spring of 2019. The second, “Examining Violence in the United States: Implications for Justice Policy and Practice,” was cohosted by the Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, in the fall of 2019. At each roundtable, a diverse group of twenty-five to thirty experts from academia, advocacy, and the justice system worked to develop ideas, generate writing and research,1 and design policies to build a new model of justice that helps heal the wounds of racism and poverty that lie at the heart of much of the contemporary criminal justice system. We have brought the essays together here in the hope of contributing to a new kind of conversation about how communities can be safe: safe from the interpersonal violence that roils America’s most disinvested and impoverished neighborhoods, and safe from the state violence of aggressive policing and overincarceration. We begin with the topic of violence that provides the context for many developments in U.S. criminal justice policy before examining how conduct comes to be criminalized, the role of the courts, and punishment.



如何改造美国的警察、法院和监狱以消除大规模监禁并产生一种新的社区安全,以加强社会纽带并考虑种族不公正的历史?在过去的三年里,从 2018 年到 2021 年,哥伦比亚大学的司法实验室为 Square One 项目举办了一系列会议。Square One 汇集了领先的学者、社区倡导者、政策制定者和从业者,共同探讨美国的正义问题。本期《代达罗斯》收录了来自第一广场两次圆桌会议的文章。第一届“审查美国的刑事定罪、过度惩罚和法院:对司法政策和实践的影响”于 2019 年春季与加利福尼亚州奥克兰市的梅里特学院合作举办。第二届,“审视美国的暴力:对司法政策和实践的影响”,由密歇根州底特律市韦恩州立大学的 Damon J. Keith 民权中心于 2019 年秋季共同主办。在每个圆桌会议上,一个多元化的小组来自学术界、倡导和司法系统的 25 至 30 名专家致力于开发想法、产生写作和研究,1 并设计政策以建立一种新的司法模式,以帮助治愈种族主义和贫困造成的创伤。许多当代刑事司法系统的核心。我们将这些文章汇集到这里,希望能够促成一种关于社区如何安全的新对话:远离扰乱美国最缺乏投资和最贫困社区的人际暴力,并免受侵略性警务和过度监禁的国家暴力。我们从暴力主题开始,它为美国刑事司法政策的许多发展提供了背景,然后研究了如何将行为定为刑事犯罪、法院的作用和惩罚。